How to Remove Users Assigned to a Role in Role Management

Searching for the User

  1. Find the role from which you want to remove a user in the Roles You Can Manage section.
    Click on the Role Name.


  2. You will see all information related to the Role:
    • Role Information - basic information about the User, including: Role Name, Role Description, Max Duration, Role Can be Delegated
    • Users Already Assigned to Role - if the there already are users assigned to the role, you can modify the roles by first clicking on the Select box, and then clicking on Continue at the bottom of the page.

 Removing the Role from the User

  1. To remove a user role check the Select boxes for the role or roles you wish to select in the Roles You Can Assign. After the Roles are selected, click Continue.
  2. In the Role Management Options window,Click the Remove User From Role button at the bottom right of the screen.


    Additionally, you can set the Start and End Date for the role. If the user will only need the role for a specific frame of time, use the calendar to select the dates. In the Notes section you can write a note to remind you why the change was made.
  3. Click Continue to save the changes.
  4. You will need to confirm the changes before they will go into effect.
    Click Save to make the changes, or Cancel to stop the process and return to the main Role Management page.

  5. You will have a confirmation of all changes. Click Return to Start to return to the User Search result page.

Confirming Changes

When looking at the user's roles, you will not see the role, unless you have changed Start / End dates.


NOTE: Hovering over the icon in Notes will show the text entered in the notes section.